Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Eggscelent Giveaway

Hey everybody! Our recent giveaway, found here, has had such an overwhelming amount of entrants that we didn't think it really reasonable to only give away 3 Pokemon. For this reason, we're adding another:

Hydreigon @ Life Orb
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 Hp / 252 SpAtk / 252 Spe
Modest Nature (+SpAtk, - Atk)
- Dark Pulse
- Flamethrower
- Protect
- Dragon Pulse

Now Shiny Hydreigon is not only one of the coolest Shiny Pokemon in existence, this one also comes fully leveled and EV trained for immediate use. You enter in the same way as last time, by commenting on the old post found above. Additionally, in order to reward our writers, we are going to allow each contributor to take a free cloned copy of a giveaway Pokemon for every article they have contributed to the site. This helps the odds of everyone else entering as well! Lastly, if you have any powerful or rare Pokemon you want to donate to the cause (we can clone so you don't have to worry about losing your precious Pokemon forever), we would be extremely grateful. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!


  1. Hi there, if you're reading this Wolfey, you said you were going to make me an author. If you need me to translate anything, shoot me an email at bostonjhmin@gmail.com, or should I just look for some stuff to translate? If you make me an author, please notify me of how to write for the blog. Thanks for advance!

  2. 3110-4050-0365

    I have a Shiny Porygon that I just hatched recently. It's IV's are 31/31/24-25/31/31/31. If you can help me clone it, you can use it for the giveaway. :)

  3. 3325-2502-1441 Such nice giveaways

  4. I have a shiny Modest Rotom-H (Zog's Scarfed Spread) you can clone it if you want to :)

  5. what a lovely poke

  6. I have a perfect 6iv adamant Intimidate Mawile! If you'd like to clone it, feel free to email me:

    Have plenty of other competitive pokemon as well!

  7. I have a perfect 6iv timid darkrai with roar of time and spacial rend. If you are interested in cloning him for the giveaway just email me:

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Hi, could you please post your FC in the other article? I'll be picking the 4 winners from there, we just wanted to add the Hydreigon to the giveaway, so we made a new post for it. The giveaway is found here:


  9. All Hail Hydra!

